Monday, May 23, 2011

First post!

To quickly introduce myself, I am a full-time student, wife, and mother of 3 kids. I live in western Indiana in a smallish house, in a medium size city. I am slowly trying to make our yard an urban homestead. I love to garden, read, watch too much reality TV, bake, and cook new recipes. I love all kinds of ethnic food. I am attempting to change my family's diet to a whole/real foods approach, but that is going slowly too. Darn kids love their Pop-Tarts and sugary cereal too much.

Be back later with a weekly menu.


  1. Welcome to blog land.

    Prepare to be addicted!

  2. How is it going at this point? I know our new pandemic reality has changed things for a lot of people. Want to give us an update?
